faes blog


ive been kinda on a roll these past few weekends in terms of not doing so good health wise.

it started off on saturday, when i ran/walked 3 miles in this charity event. nothing really went wrong there, but in the night, i think i ate rice that went bad (the texture and flavor was sort of off) cause i felt soo fucking nauseous after it. i tried to shower it away, but the feeling stayed. sometime after that i couldnt take it anymore and just ended up puking. i felt much better after that, but still went to sleep feeling sickly.

when i woke up yesterday, i felt better i guess, but still sick. i went to target to get my flu (right arm) + covid booster (left arm) shot, then bought some apple scented deoderant bc why not :3 (fun fact: im eating apples while typing this)

at first, my right arm was the one that hurt, but soon it became my left.

after doing grocery shopping, i went over to my friends house. i felt fine there, if not just a little queasy. i ate some nice asian style bread theyd bought and also drank some lemon drink thing too. when i got home, i skipped dinner and just ate some fruit because i wasnt really hungry after the bread and stuff.

sometime later i think the sick feeling just engulfed me again and when i suddenly work up at 3, my body felt all cold and clammy yet everything felt like it was burning at the same time too. i vividly remember my teeth chattering trying to walk to the bathroom. i took some misc. pill and drank some water then went to sleep again.

when i actually "woke up", i felt better, but i still didnt want to go to school. today im feelig better, but i still feel some of the same symptoms i had last night. when i woke up, all i ate was a cup of yogurt and two smallish pork bao zi from costco. after that, i tried to be productive, drawing a picture of sayaka from madoka in a sunflower patch. now im here, typing this.

i still feel sick, mainly a headache and that cold-yet-hot feeling against my skin. i know it goes without saying, but being sick really sucks. not that i like school that much, if at all, but it provides a schedule mandatory for me to follow. it gives my life a sort of structure that just loafing around at home sick doesnt. i feel more productive and alive when im forced to interact with people, i guess!