faes blog

post christmas post

i havent been blogging as frequently as i liked to. theres so many thoughts that i would benefit from writing down...maybe not on a public webpage like this but might as well.

ive never been a big christmas celebrator and this chirstmas was no different. i kind of spent the day doing my usual routine: coding, some drawing (a pencil sketch on shitty lined paper) and went to some stores to buy groceries (we didnt buy anything)

the past few days--this entire break actually--ive been sick & have felt pretty physically shit. right now i have a stuffy nose and cramps but it was so much worse a few days ago when i still had the stomach flu. remnants of stomach flu-ness and cramps together wow i wannna fucking DIEEEEE

i also broke my phone which was :((. all my data is gone probably cause i didnt hook it up to icloud. im now just remembering watching a nathan zed video on how he also didnt have his stuff save don icloud and lost years of photos and i was like "lol that would never happen to me lol" and then it did happen. a part of me cares not a lot and another part of me cares a lot idk. as much as i thought i had made progress using less of my phone just being sad over the loss of it makes me realize it still had some value to me which i guess is normal?

its unfortunate so much of our daily lifes have come to revolve around our phones. maybe this is a neccesary evil....no its not....maybe it is....nooooo

for the time i traded spending on the phone ive spent on the computer now. wow, what a great way to reduce phone time; spending tme on another electronic device!!!

ok i kind of just made this blog to get a post out here cause maybe sometimes i jsut wanna write and write about nothing. also i kind of forgot how to type what the actual fuck typing this out actually made me feel like a first grader again constantly clicking the wrong keys yo i think im going stupider i think im gonna die in 5 days ok byee <3