faes blog

New post

i wrote this all yesterday 12/20 but i forgot to post it

notable updates include buying the FUCKING STUPID BICTH i have a crush freiukdejwldjw shu the fuck up ok point is i bought a ramnue for them like the fucking HEBKDDDWEDJLWJDL i hate this. its not gonna work out but at least this period of my time will be over

im so sweaty after my autism induced marathon around my house anwyays i havent blogged about anything in a really long time so i guess were here now

while i enjoy having this blog not a direct part of my neocities i barely remember to update it because of this!

speaking of, im a bit burnt out of working on my site. im working on a revamp of a page but working on it is just making me mad and not the good feeling of coding at all. but i have so little hobbies and have taken...not a lot of my time ever to finding other hobbies besides art (which has been put aside for coding) and coding my days all feel the same. i think ill force myself to stop forcing myself to work on it. it just seems natural now cause thats what i do every day--log onto the puter and code.

anyways, today was ok. the clay things me and my friend made at this "local" pottery place came back today. we went there like a month ago by now so idk if its just we waited (like i did anythig....my friend picked it up) too long or it just took that long to get cooked lol but all is good. now i just need to get it when i go to their house probably this week.
p.s. hi friend who is reading this. how does it feel to be a reoccuring character in like every blog i ever make

i acted so fucking weirdly today. im so energetic and loud now its disturbing like damn. i feel so weird. am i even me anymore? i hate this shit i want to disembowel myself

i made this thing like a month maybe two months ago maybe by now. its not very good. its just the same melody and some bg synth changes its fucking ass actually but everytime i want to try to get into making music it sounds a bit like this so idk. i think ill try to make more using beepbox not because im good at it at all but because its kind of fun. ithink i made this cause this was how i was feeling then. link here